DHTML Menu Code Files Description
Description of DHTML menu code Files
DHTML Menu package consist of the 9 engine files:
data.js |
data file with menu parameters,
items and styles
You can generate this fil in DHTML Tuner |
dmenu.js |
main engine file |
dmenu4.js |
engine for Netscape 4 browser |
dmenu_add.js |
additional module for floatable/movable menus.
You also should use this parameter if you set var dmObjectsCheck=1;. |
dmenu_cf.js |
additional module with the cross-frame support |
dmenu_dyn.js |
additional module with dynamic API functions |
dmenu_popup.js |
additional module for pop up (context-dependent) menus |
dmenu_ajax.js |
additional module with the AJAX - like support |
dmenu_search.js |
additional module with the search support |
dmenu_key.js |
additional module with the keystrokes support |
The javascript menu loads different engine files according to the selected features of the menu and type of a browser to abate a loadable data level.
The DHTML menu code loads different files.
Adjustable menu parameters are situated in a separate .js-file (data.js by default).
You can rename this file as you want.
This file includes:
1. Menu parameters.
2. Items and styles.
3. Initialization function for a menu (dm_init()).
See sample code.
You can place all content from data.js file into html page directly within <script></script> tags.
It can be helpful when you load menu parameters and items from database (e.g. mySQL) using a server side script (ASP, PHP, VB, etc.).
Use DHTML Tuner application to create, adjust and save such files for your dhtml menus.
The dmenu_dyn.js file is the module with Java script API functions of the menu.
These dynamic functions allow you to change menu parameters and its components "on the fly" without reloading of the page.
Using these functions you can:
- add/delete sub menus;
- show/hide/add/delete menu items;
- change menu parameters and appearance of items;
- get various info about components of the menu;
- set a pressed menu item;
- etc.
To enable these Javascript functions you should set the following menu parameter:
var dynamic = 1;
The dmenu_cf.js file is the module with the cross frame support.
See cross frame installation.
See cross frame samples.
The dmenu_popup.js file is the module for pop up (context-dependent) menus.
See pop up menu sample.
The dmenu_ajax.js file is the module with the AJAX-like support.
AJAX-like technology allows to populate data for submenus "on-the-fly" from the server.
Supported browsers
Windows OS: IE5+, Firefox, Mozilla, Netscape 7+, Opera 8+.
MAC: Safari.
Needful javascript menu parameters:
var dmAJAX = 1;
var dmAJAXCount = 30;
See AJAX-like mode sample.
The dmenu_search.js file is the module with the search support.
This feature allows you to move around the menu items according to the entered keywords.
You should add the javascript menu parameter:
var dmSearch=2;
0-nosearch; 1-ordinary search (within one level of submenus only); 2-recursive (within the whole menu);
The dmenu_key.js file is the module with the keystrokes support.
You can use a keyboard to move along the menu and open javascript menu links.
To turn on the keyboard support for the dhtml menu set the following parameter:
var keystrokes = 1;
Use Ctrl + F2 keys combination (by default) to activate the menu or switch to next dhtml menu on the page.
To shift along the drop menu use arrow keys.
To open an item's link use Enter key.
To turn off keyboard support use Esc key.
The menu employs document.onKeyDown event to capture keyboard events.
If you don't want to use this event or another function is already assigned to this event -
call dm_ext_keystrokes(event) function to activate the keyboard support.