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    Does the Developer License of popup menu javascript support transferable redistribution?

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Q: I'm interested in using popup menu javascript in web applications I develop and have some questions about licensing.

My company develops web applications that act as front ends for clients' legacy mainframe programs.  DHTML Menu would be of great benefit in adding navigation functionality to these applications.  Each application is custom-developed for each client, so we don't have a pre-packaged product in which the popup menu javascript would be used.  Would the Developer License meet our needs for this sort of development?

Also, a small minority of our clients develop and distribute applications themselves based on the applications that we develop for them.  Does the Developer License support transferable redistribution?  If not, how much would a license that permitted this cost?

Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you.

A: Yes, Developer License will suit you.

You can use it within your applications and distribute them.

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