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    Is there any extra charges for the upgrade of javascript hover?

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Q: I am the trial version user of Taiwan.
And I would like to purchase the product "Deluxe Menu & Deluxe Tree & Deluxe Tabs Developer License with JavaScript Sources" , but there is a question before I purchase.
Is there any extra charges for the version of javascript hover getting upgrade in the future?
for example, v2.4 to v.3.6 ...... and so on.

A: All minor upgrades you'll get for free (for example, 2.4->2.7).
All major upgrades you'll get for free during 1 year (for example, 2.4->3.0).

For example, if there's some major upgrades (1.7 -> 2.0 -> 4.0) you'll get them for free during one year.

But if there'll be no major upgrades during some period (2.72 -> 2.81 -> 2.92). And after 3 year, for example, there will be major upgrade to 3.0. So you can upgrade for free.

We can offer you some discount for the major upgrade after one year.

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