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    When I run website, I see the javascript rollover menu but no header menu images

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Q: I am just in the process of evaluating your DHTML Menus product for possible purchase.  
I have installed the product and i am using the DHTML Tuner product to create my javascript rollover menu based on the Vista 3-08 template.  

I save the project and it adds the .js files in the correct location ( all under Menu folder in my project), but none of the images for the top level javascript rollover menu are copied (btn_red.gif or btn_red2.gif).  

So when i run my web site, i see the dropdown menus but no header menu images!.  

What image files need copying to which location in my websites main folder?

A: When you save your javascript rollover menu in DHTML Tuner (use "Save as..." or "Export to HTML" functions) you'll get a folder with all engine files (dmenu.js, dmenu_add.js ...) and all images.

So, for Vista Style 3-08 template you'll have the following images:


Please copy folder with all these image files to your web server.

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