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    The menu dynamique css works fine in the menu dynamique css maker preview screen, but not on the html page.

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Q: I have been using the trial menu dynamique css tuner to create a menu dynamique css and have run into a problem.

I'm using the following template:

Vista Styles (Part 2) Vista Style 1.

When I saved the menu dynamique css file to put into an html file I followed the instructions on the screen to save all the files to the folder where I wanted the menu dynamique css to appear in an html, and then copy and paste all code for the menu dynamique css into the html file where I wanted the menu dynamique css to appear.

The menu dynamique css appears perfectly in the DHTML Tuner preview screen, but not when I try to save it and use it elsewhere.

I'm sending all my files to review. Please, help me to fix this problem.

A: Your menu dynamique css works fine.
But you should copy
into "data-NINnew.files/" folder.

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