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    I have some problems with horizontal menus in cross-frame mode.

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Q: I am having an issue using horizontal menus with Netscape 7 and cross-frame support across domains. Everything works fine in IE however when I mouse over the top menus they do not adjust the size of the frame when looking at a page from another domain with Netscape. I have checked, and the submenus do appear when I increase the size of the top frame. How do I get the horizontal menus to function the same in Netscape or have it function like it does when it’s all in the same domain?

A: The menu will work correctly in the cross-frame mode if you load pages into the sub frame from the same domain.
If you load pages from another domain submenus won't be shown in the subframe - they will be shown in the frame with the top-menu.
It's caused by a security policy of browsers - a script can't modify a content of pages from another domain.

More info about cross-frame mode you can find here:


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